Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Long distance phone calls

Finally heard from Tom today. Last time I heard from him was when the roof was leaking. Ry's been telling me for days he's probably ran home to Mommy, but I didn't believe it. I figured he wasn't stupid enough to do that again. Last time he did was when Angel died and it was almost the end of us.

I guess I really shouldn't be that surprised. He had no place to go and whenever the going gets tough...he runs to Mommy. Oh, well. Better her dealing with his crap then me. He definitely needs to live with his mother. He needs constant motherly care of which I'm not willing to do anymore.

The guy thinks he's going to be able to get help with his mental issues out there. LMAO! Good luck with that. I don't think anyone can help him with the issues running through his mind. The guy has lost it and frankly being out there with Charlotte is NOT going to help. She's just as crazy if not worse. I wish him luck...he's going to need it.
On another note, I'd like to know when the hell my kids are coming back since the only info I get is excuses...better be soon!

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