Tuesday, November 6, 2007

All it takes is a phone call

Okay so it's 10:43 p.m. and Tom still isn't home from work. I talked to him an hour ago and he said he was punching out and walking out the door. My ass! It takes fifteen minutes to get from his work, especially at this hour.

Just got off the phone with him again. Yeah he's still at work. What the hell is the damn point of putting in overtime? His stupid ex-wife is going to get it all anyway. See, according to the FRO, we're $3500 in arrears and until its all paid off, his paycheques are garnished by 50%. In actuality, we're not, we're even but Kelly (the ex) is too lazy to report it. So now they're threatening to suspend his license; like taking it away is going to get him to and from work in order to pay the arrears. I don't understand their position on certain certain aspects at all.

I don't know what I'm more mad at...him for not calling...or this stupid laptop for overheating and shutting off on me every ten minutes! I can't wait till this Saturday. I'm finally splurging on a new camera. One that actually takes pictures when I ask it to, not seconds after Cody or McKenzie have finished their cute smile/moment! I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it is. Dumb camera jumps through settings so bad that I don't think it has any settings anymore. Back to the laptop...since it just shut off again...I'm replacing this hunk of junk with a 15" Macbook Pro.

I better publish this before it shuts off again. It has taken me an hour to type this post. Saturday can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Take a breather and have a nice cup of tea....

ps: I hate cameras that do that. Everytime I want to capture something it takes the camera ages to snap. What use is a blurry pic?