Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Leaky roof

So today I had the wonderful time of trying to get a 50ft x 30ft tarp over my trailer. Yup the roof started leaking like crazy. Thank goodness for friends and family or I would have been screwed :S
After hanging out in the freezing cold rain for over an hour; Ry, Aaron, my neighbour Todd and I were able to get this massive tarp over my roof and tie it down. I doubt if it'll last long but at least the waterfall has stopped.
Oh and no thanks to Tom who stopped by to get his work clothes while I was out buying the tarp and LEFT without offering any help. Stupid lazy Bastard. If he had sealed the roof in the summer time like he was supposed too, this would have never happened. I guess I should be used to all these broken promises by now.
Cold....tired....must sleep....

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