Sunday, November 4, 2007

Figures we can fight over just about anything...

Went to out tonight with Tom in hopes for a nice quiet dinner without the kids.

Yeah Right.

Made the first mistake of going to Jack Astor's. Quiet my ass. I left my kids with other people to listen to everyone else's brats during dinner? Don't think so. Oh, and thank you to the guy who sneezed like a gunshot and made the kids cry from shock. I appreciated that orchestra of noise during dinner. I'm sure everyone at your table refused to eat their food after that...

First, Tom wanted to sit in the bar area where a bunch of sport jocks were so loud I didn't want to be in there. Plus the seat was broken in the booth we were in and one wrong move would have resulted in my ass on the floor. So they put us in a booth right in front of the front door. That was enough to put Tom in a mood that caused him to order only a salad!?! Yeah well, you can have your salad. I'll have my 10 oz Butter Brushed New York steak; thank you very much. Which, by the way, got cold real fast from us sitting by the front door.

Next was the argument over the Wii. Nice to know you can play all night while I watch but when I want to play its boring so you'd rather watch season one of Prison Break. Bah. Okay so we got through one episode before you fell asleep. As Cody would say..."WooWee" (notice my tone is sarcastic).

Anyway off to bed. This time change is killing me :S

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