Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

As you have noticed I've avoided talking about Tom and Charlotte for the past little while. Since we were battling out child custody in court, I figured I had better play it safe and just leave those tidbits out just in case my lowly blog was discovered by someone in his neurotic family.

After hearing for a couple months now about how much he loves me and misses me, I was beginning to think it was all a scam to get me to say something I'd regret on the phone and use against me in court. Tom has told me numerous times that he wants to come home and that he is going to (whether he's with me or not). I think I'm more shocked to finally hear him refer to Ontario as home and not Nova Scotia. Since I haven't been getting a real answer as to when he'd be home, I just assumed it was all bologna.

Until today that is...
Tom showed up at my door with 2 dozen long-stem red and pink roses to wish me a happy Valentine's day! Was I shocked? Yes! Was it the sweetest thing he's ever done? Yes! Am I letting him spend the night? Sure am ;)!

With that said...I'm off to get the rest of my Valentine's gift ;)