Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why can't she just fall off a cliff?

Ok, so I wouldn't really wish that upon anybody...then again...
Yes, I know I think evil thoughts, but if you put up with the garbage she puts out; you'd feel the same way. If she mysteriously disappeared one day, I think I would most likely feel relieved.

Diana has always been a sore spot in mine and Tom's relationship. I can't help it. I've been bitter and resentful towards all three of them, which I know is totally unfair to Brandon. Most of my resentment though is towards Diana. It takes two to tango and personally I feel as though she got pregnant on purpose and even if she hadn't, she could have done something about it. I mean, she was only 17, what else was she thinking, other than that it would help her keep him.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ice cream cravings

Well after completely enjoying my Peanut Butter n' Chocolate ice cream the night I went to dinner with Ry, I've been longing for more. So for the first time ever, I decided to splurge on the Baskin Robbins pre-packs because anyone who loves this flavour knows that only Baskin Robbins sells it. They must have either copyrighted the flavour or there's some type of conspiracy in regards to it because its the hardest type of ice cream to find. It's been my favourite since I was a kid and still have yet to find it anywhere but at Baskin Robbins.

So for $14 I came home with two 1L pre-packs of my favourite flavour ever! The hardest part is going to be keeping it away from Tom and the kids....

Friday, March 7, 2008

Who needs 31 flavours?

After rescheduling three times, Ry and I were finally able to go to dinner.

I haven't sat down to eat at Swiss Chalet in awhile and absolutely basked in their Chalet Sauce. God I love that stuff! Although I ordered the ribs, nothing compares to those fries and sauce. Yum!

For dessert we decided to skip the Swiss Chalet menu and head over to Baskin Robbins. Seems we both have a weakness for their Peanut Butter n' Chocolate flavour. I'm not much of an ice cream person, but I LOVE that flavour. I don't care if Baskin Robbins did away with every single other flavour as long as my beloved Peanut Butter n' Chocolate remains.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!

As you have noticed I've avoided talking about Tom and Charlotte for the past little while. Since we were battling out child custody in court, I figured I had better play it safe and just leave those tidbits out just in case my lowly blog was discovered by someone in his neurotic family.

After hearing for a couple months now about how much he loves me and misses me, I was beginning to think it was all a scam to get me to say something I'd regret on the phone and use against me in court. Tom has told me numerous times that he wants to come home and that he is going to (whether he's with me or not). I think I'm more shocked to finally hear him refer to Ontario as home and not Nova Scotia. Since I haven't been getting a real answer as to when he'd be home, I just assumed it was all bologna.

Until today that is...
Tom showed up at my door with 2 dozen long-stem red and pink roses to wish me a happy Valentine's day! Was I shocked? Yes! Was it the sweetest thing he's ever done? Yes! Am I letting him spend the night? Sure am ;)!

With that said...I'm off to get the rest of my Valentine's gift ;)

Friday, January 25, 2008

It's been a full year since I lost you...

...and my heart still breaks as if it happened yesterday.

Today is the one year anniversary of my son, Angel's, death and it certainly was a difficult day.

At least I mustered up the strength to order the engraving on his tombstone. Since I couldn't decide on exactly what I wanted, nor could I please anyone with my choices, I kept putting it off. But I'm glad its done and over with.

At least the rest of my day went off without a hitch. Karen took the kids for the night and Ry and I went to see "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" in the theatre. I totally recommend waiting for it to come out on video. I don't mind musicals, but this one is definitely a "wait for the video" movie.